Teachers are an incredible group of people—and we should know because we spend every day working with thousands of teachers around the country. And, not surprisingly, the more we've worked with teachers, the more we've discovered the corporate love of learning, love of kids and love of education that teachers as a whole seem to have. Here are 8 things we love about teachers—and an opportunity to nominate a teacher who embodies these qualities to help them win part of $150,000 in grants and prizes. (Click here to learn more.)
- They're dedicated. When a teacher becomes a teacher, they're not just taking a job, they're committing themselves fully to the care and education of twenty (or more!) kids. Every day.
- They go above and beyond. There are few teachers who stick to worksheets and lectures, but we've never met them. Instead, every teacher we know goes above and beyond to deliver innovative, interesting and creative lessons that engage, inspire and teach.
- They're fun. We dare you to go into any faculty lounge at lunchtime in any school in America and try not to laugh. It's impossible. That's because teachers are a lot of fun—it shows and they make learning fun for our kids.
- They love technology. We believe that technology plays a vital role in our children's future—teachers seem to innately understand that and work hard to give their students opportunities to interact with new technology in a meaningful way.
- They love kids. Ask any teacher why they do what they do and they'll tell you it's for the kids. And, since their motivation is in the right place, the kids benefit.
- They love learning. Who better to teach kids than someone who loves to learn? Teachers love to learn.About literature. About science. About technology. About everything. Talk about inspiring!
- They're multitaskers. Let's just say that anyone who can make algebraic equations interesting to ten-year-olds while simultaneously contemplating the varying learning styles in their classroom and remembering core standards is the ultimate multitasker.
- They're innovative. Put ten teachers in a room and you'll get ten different ideas on how to teach any given lesson. Isn't that what we want for our kids? Creative and innovative teachers inspire creative and innovative students.
this article is taken from www.WAT.com